(919) 284-3431
PO Box #88
709 North Church St. Kenly, NC 27542
Book Resources
The Museum has a collection of historic books available for researchers' use.
Section A
Holy Bible 1892
Holy Bible 1800s
The Agromeck, L. L. Hedgepeth, 1925
The Pine Knot, Atlantic Christian College, 1921
Happiness in Marriage, Margaret Sanger, 1926
Museum of Art 1887
New Friends, Lewis, Rowland, and Gelnes, 1937
National Dictionary 1940
Strickland's Anthems for the Choir, C. V. Strickland, 1891
Third Annual Report: NC Agri. Exp. Station, NCSU, 1880
The World Evangel, Robert H. Coleman, 1913
Condensed U. S. History, William Swinston, 1879
Appleton's School Reader: Second Reader, Harris, Rickoff, and Bailey, 1884
Swinston's Third Reader, Ivirson, Blakeman, Taylor, and Co, 1882
Graded Memory Selections, Hughes, Waterman, and McClymonds, 1903
Greatest and Lasting Hymns, John A. Lee
Life and Service Hymns, R. C. Magill, 1917
HandBook for Boys, Boy Scouts of America, 1948
Abiding Songs, Broadman Press, 1936
Gospel Hymns, Ira D. Sankey, 1894
Ledger of Faro Godwin, Faro Godwin, 1930-31
Ledger of Faro Godwin, Faro Godwin, 1933-36
Ledger from Pineville, 1860-1909
Section B
The Continental Furniture Company 1914
Daniel Miller- Winter Catalog 1914-15
A Treasury of American Prints, Thomas Craven, 1939
D. L. Boyette Ledger 1930-63
Three Ledgers bound together 1958
A Journal
A Ledger
Payroll Ledger(Imperial Tobacco Co.) 1917
Payroll Ledger(Imperial Tobacco Co.) 1897-98
Payroll Ledger(Imperial Tobacco Co.) 1907-09
Payroll Ledger(Imperial Tobacco Co.) 1899
Imperial Tobacco Co. Plants early 1900s
Account Book 1938-47
Ledger 1938-40
New Testament Bible
The Story of the Old North State, R. D. W. Connor, 1906
Maury's Elementary Geography, M. F. Maury, 1906
Senoca Selma High School, 1925
Senoca Selma High School, 1924
The Reference Shelf: Farm Relief, Lamar Beman, 1927
A Short History of England, Coman and Kardall, 1901
English Bosh, Mary F. Hyde, before 1800
Webster's Secondary School Dictionary, Noah Webster, 1913
Easy Steps for Little Feet, Annie White, 1896
Hell before Death, Rev. W. S. Harris, 1908
Modern Grammar H. G.
Peter and Nancy in South America, Mildred H. Confort, 1935
Uncle Remus, Joel Harris, 1917
International Abritrational Digest 1894
General Chemistry 1923
Sing Unto Him 1930
Outliner of the World's History, William Swinston, 1902
Section C
Hard Times: Beginnings of the Great Depression, John L. Bell Jr., 1982
Tales of Polecat Branch, Charlie Harper, 1986
Carolina Telephone: The First Hundred Years, James C. Nichols, 1995
The Great Cotton Seed Industry of the South, Luther A. Ronson, 1911
Neolin Directory, GoodYear Tire and Rubber Co. 1918
Dr. S. B. Hunter's Medical School Notebook, 1938
The Production of Tobacco, Blakinston Co. 1946
The Classroom Teacher(Vol. 2, 7, 8, 9), Wood, Dickinson, Whitford, Drowning, 1927-28
The Hundred Year War Against the Cigarette 1981
Flue Cured Tobacco Barn Construction, R. M. Ritchie, Jr. 1953
Tobacco Diseases and their Control, E. E. Clayton, 1950
They Came Searching for Gold
After Sherman's March, Emily Weil, 2007
Johnston County: Economics and Social, Sanders and Ragsdale, 1995
Johnston County, Todd Johnson and Durwood Barbour, 1997
The Torch is Passed…
Pine Knot, Atlantic Christian College, 1938-1941
Agromeck, NCSU, 1938-40, 1942
Section D
Principles and Practices of Embalming, Clarence Strub and L. Frederick, 1959
Manual of case analysis, Charles D. Dhonau, 1928
The Women Tempted, Countess of Cathcart, 1926
Festivals U. S. A., Robert Meyer, Jr., 1950
Narrative of a Gordon Pym, Edgar Allen Poe
Our Children Cheated, Benjamen Finem, 1947
Macauley's Essay on Milton, Charles French, 1908
Twice Told Tales, Nathaniel Hawthorne
Kentucky Cardinal and Aftermath, James Allen, 1924
Stories from English History, Warren 1907
Holmes Fourth Reader, Holmes and Hill, 1902
Holmes Third Reader, G. F. Holmes, 1901
Hunger Singer in Crops, 1949
The operation, care, and repair of farm machinery, Deere and Co., 1957
Observance of special days 1959
Through the Green Gate Row, Peterson and Co. 1939
Skills in Spelling, McCormick-Mathers Publication Co., 1968
The Art of Compounding, Scoville
The First 60 Years, Sue V. Dickinson, 1965
How to get my baby out of jail, Louise Shivers, 1983
Common School Arithmetic, J. H. French, 1872
Speaking and Writing English, Ben J. H. Samborn and Co., 1927
The American Health Series, Wilson, Bake, Abbott, Almack, 1942
Poultry Production, Leslie Cord, 1946
Our Third Government, E. C. Brooks, 1924
Hickory and Europe, Archibold Alison, 1848
The New Chardenal, W. H. Grosjean, 1929
Who Can Fix it? Leslie Ann MacKean, 1989
Nat Geo Magazine 1941
Government in the U.S., James Garner, 1911
The Elementary Spelling Book, Noah Webster,1857
El Parjaro Verde, M. A. Devitis, 1918
Handbook of Compostion, Edwin C. Woolley, 1907
American Public Education, Byttere Douglas, 1948
Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, Charles Hodgman, 1914
Chuck Wagon Gang Favorites, D. P. Carter
The American Health Series, Charles Wilson, 1942
Essentials of World Regional Geography 1995
People and Nations, Harcourt, Brace, Jovanovich, 1983
Section E
Soils and Men, U.S.D.A., 1938
Tobacco diseases and decays, Frederick Wolf, 1959
Fertilizers and Crops, Lucius L. Van Slyke, 1927
Diseases of Tobacco, George Lucas, 1975
Fertilizers and Manurer, W. B. Andrews, 1947
Changing patterns in fertilizer use, 1968
Soils and Soil Fertilizer, McGraw Hill, 1957
The Producer's program, Burley Tobacco growers, 1991
Agriculture for Beginners, Burket, Stevens, Hill, 1904
Raising Livestock, Detero and Deyoe, 1946
The Story of Lucky Strike, Roy C. Flannagan, 1939
Will there be enough food? U.S.D.A. 1981
The Principles of feeding farm animals, S. Ball, 1917
Farming World, U.S.D.A. 1964
Principles of Flue-cured tobacco production, S. N. Hawk, Jr.; W. K. Collins, 1983
Flue-cured tobacco producing a healthy crop, Fumy Todd, 1981
Tobacco quality-can it be measured? Fauley Abdallah, 1968
Consumes All, U.S.D.A. 1965
How to grow the best lawn and garden, Edward Throne, 1951
Agricultural education in community schools, Herbet Hamlin, 1949
Horticulture, Karrey C. Davis, 1922
Yearbook of Agriculture, U.S.D.A. 1927
Elements of Agriculture, G. F. Warren, 1914
Section F
Mules and memories, Pamela Barefoot, 1978
Flue-Cured Tobacco, American Tobacco Association, 1958
The Tobacco Kingdom, Joseph C. Robert, 1938
Tobacco-the ants and the elephants, Charles Kelley,1975
The Story of Tobacco in America, Joseph Robert, 1949
Report: Tobacco and cigarettes, machinery, The Monopoly Commision, 1961
Tobacco and salt industries in Japan, Japan Monopoly Corporation, 1967
Pipe Lighter, Robert L. Downing
NC Tobacco Heritage, The Tobacco Institute, 1981
About Tobacco, Lehman Brothers, 1955
American Tobacco: how its grown, cured, marketed, and Processed, Tobacco Association
The Bright Tobacco Industry, Nannie May Tilley, 1948
A picture-book on Tobacco and the pleasures of smoking, Selma High School, 1960
World Tobacco Directory 1978
Philip Morris Companies Inc. 1986
Annual Report
The Golden Weed, Peter Mack, 1965
Mister Junior, Lael Tucker Verdentecher, 1960
Tales of Tobacco Country, Thomas Williams, 1979
"Sold America", The American Tobacco Co. 1954
Tobacco Merchant, Maurice Duke, Daniel Morgan, 1995
World Tobacco Directory 1975
Takoe de Virginie, Graphlismis el Creations, 1969
Tobacco Market (Ahoskie, NC), E. Frank Stephens Jr., 1997
Brown and Williams Tobacco Corp. 1993
High School Agriculture, D. D. Maine, K. L. Hatch, 1913
Veterinary Guide for Farmers, G. W. Starnum, 1950
Starting to Farm, Ward P. Beard, 1955
Flue- Cured Tobacco Info, NCCBS, 1993, 2004
Burley Tobacco Info, NCCBS, 2004
Tobacco Memories, Lela Thompson
The Tobacco Farmer magazine 1991, 1974, 1976-77
Tobacco Info, R. R. Bennet, 1964-66-70, 72, 74, 76
Tobacco Situation and Outlook, Blake Brown, 2004
NC Agriculture Statistics, NCDA, 1977
Extension Research on Wheels, Furny Todd, 1980
NC Farm income Projections, NCCES, 1994
Our Wildlife Neighbor, William Harrett, Duane Raver
Farm Gardening and seed growing, Isaar Landis, 1994-95
Tobacco Info, NCAES, 1977-87
Tobacco Report, NCDA1976-77, 82-83
New York and Tobacco, Tobacco Institute, 1972
Green Leaf and Gold: Tobacco in NC, Jerome Brooks, 1962
A Story of the U.S. tobacco industries economic construction as the state and counties of NC, Whartly ARC, 1979
Smoke to Gold, Skewarkian Historical Club, 1978
The Story of Lucky Strikes, Roy Flannagan, 1938
100 years of progress, Donville Tobacco Assoc., 1969
Tobacco: Deeply rooted in America's Heritage
The Brown and Williamson Story
The Library relating to Tobacco, Jerome Brooks, 1944
Lorilland and Tobacco
Tennessee and Tobacco
Kentucky and Tobacco
Old Carolina Tobacco country cookbook, Arlene Aasbrey, 1985
Section G
Masters of Painting, B. Kietly, 1964
My Most embarrassing moments and other stories, Ray Williamson
Here to get my Baby out of jail, Louise shivers, 1983
Electrocardiographic technique, Kurt Shitzer, 1949
Safe methods of business, J. L. Nichols, 1909
Reflections, Bob Boyette, 1983
Plain english Handbooks, Martyn Walsh, 1939
The Seven laws of teaching, John Milten Gregory, 1917
Teaching at a District School, John Dinsmore, 1908
Four Minute Talks for Superintendants, K. L. Webb, 1926
Word Mastery Spellers Manual 1957
Art in the Public Schools 1949
Course of Study for the elementary schools in NC, Dhonau Nunnamaker, 1952
Stevenson's Treasure Island 1922
Everday Foods, Harrison Lacey, 1927
Lippincotts farm animals, Cary C. Davis, 1914
Distillation and Rectification, William T Brandt, 1904
New Education Readers Book 1, AJ Demares, t1900
Pratical Course in Botany, E. F. Andrews, 1911
500 more things to make, Glenn Charles Cook, 1944
Farmers Shop Book, Louise Roehl, 1923
Advanced Accounting, Roy B. Kester, 1946
Essentials of Business Arithmetic, W. H. Saddler, 1890
Good Companions, Payne, Nevell, Chapman, 1936
Abiding Songs, Broadman Press, 1936
Literature and Life Book 1, Greenlaw, Elson, Kock, 1922
Literature and Life Book 4, Greenlaw, Miles, 1924
The Progressive Road to Reading, Burchill, Ettenger, Shiner, 1909
The RFD Garden Jubilee, Gwendolyn M. Aabey, 1947
Naval terms and definitions, C. C. Soule, 1922
The beat goes on and on and on, Bill Joe Austin, 1976
Elements of Geology, David Page, 1849
System of Phoneology, George Comb, 1882
Correct English, William Tanner, 1928
Commerical Law, D. Curtis Gano
Section H
The World Book Encylcopedia: Vol. 1-6, 8-13, 16-19 1930
Young American Patriots: WWII, Adam McLeod, 1948
Gospel of St. John, NY Bible Society, 1911
The Good News in Story and Song, American Tract Society, 1905
Singing games, Katherine Wessels, 1947
A Star Shine, Robbie Trent, 1917
Favorite Tales of Long ago, Miss Elliot, 1943
Flue-cured tobacco info, NCSU, 2005
Cotton Info, NCSU, 2005
Historical Fiction about the life of a slave, Maude Smith, 2012
Mason Jar Continental
More Collectable Jars, R. Burris, 1968
Eastern Bottler Price Guide, Carlo and Dot Sellars, 1970
101 town relics, Wes and Ruby Bressi, e1967
Bottle and Glass handbook, Don Maust, 1965
Bottle collecting manual with prices, John F. Hotchkiss, 1972
Old Time Bottles, Lynn Blumenstein, 1965
Re-digging the old west, Lynn Blumenstein, 1965
Handbook of early american pressed glass patterns, Ruth Webb Lee, 1936
Antique Bottles, Marvin and Helen Davis, 1967
Old Richmond Bottles, Bonnie Green, 1971
Old Owl Drug bottles and others, Al and Margaret Jensen, 1967
Bottle collectors handbook and pricing guide, John T. Yount, 1967
Billions of Bottles, Glass Containers Manufacturers Institute, 1959
Antique Bottle finds in New England, Virginia T. Bates, 1968
A close-up of closures, Alfred Lief
Spirit Bottles of the Old West, Bill and Betty Wilson, 1968
The Story of Glass containers
Lubrication, Texaco Inc. 1962
Handbook from the bottle-ologist, Richard E. Fike, 1965
The Genesis of a Jar, Glass Containers Manufacturers Institute