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Clark Family

The Clark Family

Kenneth (Skeeter), Rita, Allison & John
Lazy Acres Farm, Townsville, North Carolina
Lazy Acres Farm put out its first roots on a small Townsville farm owned by John (Jack) and Geraldine Brewer, Rita's parents. They were farmers about one mile south of where Lazy Acres is now located. Kenneth's parents, Claude (Pete) and Lila Clark were also farmers, and Kenneth got his first taste of the farm life on his family's Dabney farm.

Early in 1975, Kenneth and Jack began a farming partnership. However, that partnership fell apart after Jack died in the spring of that year just weeks after the agreement was made. Kenneth decided to continue on with the farm for at least a year to see how it went. He figured that if it did not work out, he would quit farming. With the help of some friends and fellow farmers, Kenneth and Rita made it through the first year and have been farming ever since.

That first year, Kenneth only planted nine acres of tobacco and 20 acres of soybeans and had a small herd of beef cattle. After that year, he increased his crop of tobacco to 18 acres. The third year he planted 21 acres and the year after 25 acres.

In 1980, Kenneth and Rita had 42 acres of tobacco, 225 acres of soybeans, 40 acres of grain, 150 acres of pasture, and over 100 cows. Over the years, Kenneth and Rita have steadily increased their tobacco acreage with the help of many family, friends, workers, and prayers.
The present location of Lazy Acres was established in 1977 when Kenneth and Rita built their house. Lazy Acres was appropriately named in December of 1994. The "acres" are "lazy" because the Clarks seem to have to do all the work while the land just "lounges" around.

In an interview in the Nov. 8, 1978 issue of the Henderson Daily Dispatch, Kenneth was quoted as saying, "I can foresee the time when we may be growing 100 acres or more of tobacco. It will take a mighty big investment, but my return on the investment in tobacco looks good right now, and I believe it will continue to be pretty good."

In 1997, that nine-year-old statement finally came true. During that season, Kenneth planted 105 acres of tobacco.

Not only are the Clarks proud tobacco farmers, they are also prominent members of the Townsville community and are active in their church. Kenneth is also the Vance County Farm Bureau President.

Lazy Acres Farm is located at 971 Rock Spring Church Road in Townsville, NC, about 2.5 miles south of the North Carolina - Virginia border.

For more information about the Clark family Farm, please contact us at P.O. Box 266, Townsville, NC, 27854 or e-mail at

(919) 284-3431
PO Box 88

709 North Church St. Kenly, NC  27542

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